Strange men, strange women in your ear
Speaking prophesies over your life and
They’ve known you less than one year.

They say, it’s from the Most High
and your time has come nigh.
Don’t let it match a vision in your spirit
something to be confirmed once you hear it.
Ever wonder is it a Word


Is there a real righteousness seeking,
right now sistah in the house?
One who loves the Lord
with all her heart, soul and might;
desires to serve Him and His people
for the rest of her life?


55_All the Way LiveMy silent, meditative, blessed birthday was spent in the healing waters of Jordan on the 4th of July, both in the Dead Sea, salt and fresh water pools. It was just what the doctor ordered: a time to reflect, revisit journals and release more of Spoetry in Motion. I am so grateful to be “all the way live at 55” and counting it all Joy!





For Sistah Women who travailed,
took deep breaths and then exhaled,
Today we light a candle,
for all they do and handle,
To each one answering the call,
with hopeful ideas that say it all: