Your creative expression is a gift that reminds you how precious and powerful it is to stay in the present moment, without judgment; to experience gratitude for being alive and able to render a piece of art that captures it.

Pick your medium: make a collage, draw picture, take a walk to photograph something beautiful in nature, write in your journal about what you see, or draft a few lines of a poem and take time to bring yourself fully into the present moment of this creative activity. Simply notice what thoughts and feelings emerge. In your observation, pay attention to how effortless it is to be engaged, focused, and not worried about what is going to happen next.

Delight in the present, pleasant sense of well-being that encompasses your whole body. What does that feel like? Can you locate a sensation in your heart, brain, or stomach? Savor this experience in it’s entirety so that you can recall the joy and wonder of it, especially when things are more stressful or intense.

At the close of the day, spend a few minutes reflecting on this beautiful gift of presence and allow those uplifting feelings associated with it to saturate your heart, mind, body and soul before drifting off into what will hopefully be a sweet, blissful and restful sleep.

The more we draw ourselves into the present moment, the more we are able to honor the gift of our lives, just as it is, and the more we honor the people around us, just as they are. This becomes a reflection of ubuntu in action; a process that allows others to see the humanity and Divinity that is in you and also in them too.

Today, I invite you to try this, to simply be present with whatever activity calls your attention today and witness what new level of awareness or insight emerges as you become more intentional about finding your creativity; letting go of judgment, all negativity and letting ubuntu flow.