We are engaging in deep meaningful,
purposeful, edifying conversations
through the power of Nommo,
the generative and productive power of
spoken word and poetry,
among women all over the world.We have declared a moratorium
on all small, frivolous,
limiting, debasing, demeaning,
debilitating, and dehumanizing
talk today!
In the spirit of our Ancestors,
Hatchepsut, Queen Ester, Naomi and Ruth,
we seek righteousness and truth.
We are deep thinkers,
Proverbs 31 based wise women,
on assignment, answering
the call to carry out a fingerprint
specific mission, empowered by God.
We have dreams, visions and plans to fully execute
what we have been called to do, in the name
of Jesus. The Holy Spirit guides and orders
our steps, we are equipped to stand firm,
rooted and grounded in the Word, never ever
to be swayed again by man’s philosophies
or deteriorating world systems.