In Ancient Kemet (Egypt), Ptah refers to the divine source of all life, power, health and creations. Hotep means “satisfaction” and “peace”. Therefore, Ptahhotep means, “he who acts so that God is satisfied” (Asa Hilliard, pg. 97).

Employing clear, calm and grounding practices that nourish our hearts, enrich our minds, bodies, spirits and souls is a radical and compassionate act of loving kindness that begins inwardly and eventually extends outwardly.

To live, love and be well is a matter of choice and perspective. Wellness is a multi-dimensional and interactive continual process that can be summarized in the following 6 domains of intentional engagement towards enhanced quality of living:


Through Spoetry in Motion and the Spoetea Sessions, Dr. Temille is keeping it real while embracing a 21-century paradigm to wellness — the PEMS-SE Paradigm. This approach encompasses an emergent and evolving model, expanding the traditional Western Stevens Point holistic approach (Social, Occupational, Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional) within the context of an African-inspired cultural and spiritual framework for optimal well-being. Those who explore the 6 domains of well-being through the PEMS-SE Paradigm can become more aware of how each area of wellness influences the other in your life.

Join me on an artful, heartfull blog journey through the holidays this year, as we explore the 6 domains of the PEMS-SE Paradigm that illuminate meaningful, purpose-filled, radically compassionate ways of being — connecting culture, community and Christ while finding solace in the colorful African Garden of life.