Wow! It is still amazing to realize that my fifth year work anniversary is just around the corner! I arrived in Kingdom on August 20, 2009 and started work on August 22, 2009, launching this incredible Saudi Arabian Journey! As I celebrated with colleagues who were honored on May 5, 2014 for five years of service, it was also a time of reflection and contemplation. So, here is a dream poem in light of this exciting achievement!
Windows of Hope (in my heart, mind and soul)
If you could see
my heart, mind and soul,
all the that I hoped to be;
through each window
a clear present view
for you to
look and know
creativity is there;
passion feeds desire,
love abounds
with plenty of room to grow,
enjoy the moments
where we find overflow.
If you could see
my heart, mind and soul,
you would jump for joy for me
because of all there is to
seeds of grace and beauty,
timeless treasures planted
ready to burst forth with glee.
If you could see
my heart, mind and soul,
in time you would not
far away from these good things
and all the possible good works,
a true spiritual connections brings.
If you could see
my heart, mind and soul
no other he nor she
could take our place;
you wouldn’t ignore my call,
we would soar over the crowd,
not worried about the others at all.
If you could see
my heart, mind and soul
you would bend one knee,
take my face in your hands,
confirm our every nocturnal wish,
to travel together across many lands.
If you could see
my heart, mind and soul,
to climb a 40 foot tree,
walk across a tight rope,
would be ever so easy,
looking through the windows of hope.